Monday, September 21, 2009

Comparison of the governments of ancient civilisations

In ancient India (Government)->

Kingship is the right to rule from their Gods. The Hindu kings are the Kings of Laws and their duties are to maintain Peace and Harmony, Protect their Religion and Brahmins, maintain the Caste System.

Hindu kings also conduct Monarchy, which is a government with kings.

In Ancient China (Government)->

The Feudal System started during the Shang Dynasty, where the kingdom of a civilisation is distributed into feudal estates and ruled by the shi(officials). These shi receive land from the king in exchange for support, tributes, governing rights and soldiers for war.

The Unitary system is centralised rule over an entire empire, meaning there are standard measures and coins, strict uniform laws and a single writing script (thus creating a sense of unity in the empire).

The Mandate of Heaven is a blessing from heaven, and the ruler is the 'Son of Heaven'. If a ruler does not rule justly and wisely, people will start looking for signs of natural diasaters. That way, they have a certain 'right' to overthrow the ruler.

Lastly, Civil Sercive Examinations determine which people deserves to be officials and which do not. Using 'Best Brains vs Best Blood', the knowledgable people have a higher chance of becoming an official.

In Ancient South East Asia {Aka SEA) (Government)->

It is hard for SEA to become an empire as it is made up of two areas: Mainland and Island. Therefore, there are different kings ruling different areas. Every SEA government is in charge of taxation, justice, the army and organising labour in the kingdom. Government officials are also known as mratans and SEA kings gain power due to Maritime trade.

Divine Kingship is where SEA Kings are given the right to rule, becoming divine rulers and are the middlemen between the Gods and the commoners. The king's palaces become temples after their death as their palaces represented the home of the Gods.

Comparison of 3 ancient civilisations:) : All 3 societies have officials to assist the king in ruling the country, but only in China that officials need knowledge to become one. They also have the right to rule from their Gods. Moreover, the king role was passed down through bloodline, so generations continue. So far, Indian and China Civilisations have accomplished in forming an empire.

1 comment:

  1. The details of the governments of all 3 civilisations are clearly described and a good attempt at comparing the 3 civilisations. Well done, Jamie!



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