Sunday, July 26, 2009

Civilisation in China: The Shang Dynasty

Note: I apolgise for not having any pictures

The Origins of the Shang Dynasty came from as early as 3000BCE.
It started from the Yangshao and Longshan Villages.cI will give a bit of explaintion.

-> The Yangshao village started c.3000BCE.
-> Villagers lived together and already knew (wow) how to hunt, rear and farm animals.
Reflections-> This is very surprising as they did so at a really early stage of time.

The Longshan Villagers were the desendents of the Yangshao villagers.

-> They started at about 2200BCE.
-> Their lifestyle was similar to their ancestors as they also knew how to rear and farm animals.
-> However, they stopped hunting, they lived in walled countries and knew how to make pottery from potter's wheels.
Reflections-> In their time, it is amazing how they managed to progress so far and invent such a wonderful piece of equipment. I am also glad that they had stopped hunting as many forests might have been removed and animals killed from ther actions.

Due to the formation of these two villages, their combined effort evolved into the Earliest Proven Civilisation: The Shang Dynasty.
Reflections-> There may be other civilisations before this, but historians have no evidence to prove this statement.

Now, on to the features of the Shang Civilisation.

-> started c.1523-1027BCE

->> Government
-> Ruled by kings
-> Capital City
-> Temples, Palaces and Storehouses.
Reflections-> I wonder why only the royal family of the shang kings get to rule the government. Anyway, they must have ruled their civilisation well!

->> Writing
-> Pictograms
-> Found on Oracle Bones
-> There are over 3000 characters!
-> They have the basis of modern Chinese script
Reflections-> Maybe modern chinese came from te shang dynasty! Cool... And I always thought that chinese was boring!

->> Occupations
-> Farmers: To farm and rear animals
-> Merchants: To trade with other traders
-> Craftsmen: To make pots
-> Priests: To carry out religious ceremonies
Reflections-> Ohh... I wonder if residents are included here... :)

The Decline... of the Shang Civilisation...
Why-> c.1100BCE
Why-> Last Shang king was killed
Reflections-> I cannot believe it! Killed! By the people under his own control! I cannot ever believe it! How could that happen?

I wonder which dynasty I will be doing next? History is fun! :D

Name: Jamie Tay Xue Ning
Register No.5
Class: 1E1

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie! Your History blog is very well designed!

    I'm glad that you have been enjoying the study of History but do remember to post the 3 comparison questions about the ancient civilisations and the 2 reflection questions on the History project. The questions can be found on the 1E1 class blog.

    Mr Teo



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